Winston has taken us for a ride! (the dog,the lion and the cat)
As you may have read on the "About Winston" page of the website I will have a four legged companion riding on the pillion seat of the BMW for my ride around Australia. A funny thing happened to me the other day when I had a lovely email from a Lion ( the Club variety not the King of the Jungle kind) in Cairns regarding accommodation for me when I pass through on Days 16 and 17 of the ride.
The wonderful people from the local Lions Club were having difficulty finding someone to put me up in town because most of them couldn't accommodate poor Winston. I'm sorry but I will have to do a "K.Rudd" and say that the cat's out of the bag now. Strike me pink, Winston isn't a real dog, he is just a symbolic black dog going for a long ride. Unfortunately my attempt at a bit of humour looks like it has backfired on me. Anyway, I contacted our Lion friend in Cairns with an explanation of the Winston story and hopefully they will be able to find me a bed in sunny Cairns for a couple of nights.
I know you are probably thinking there is something fishy about this story but I assure you it is true, really!
Steve Andrews