Winston Steers Awareness
of the Black Dog of Depression
Black Dog Ride's Peter and Judy Milton, cattle farmers in South West WA, organise an annual steer auction at the Perth Royal Show to help foster conversations around depression and suicide prevention in the agriculture industry.
Realising the value of this Black Dog Ride project, this year Summit Homes generously stepped forward to sponsor Winston the Speckle Park Steer.
Following a leisurely stroll through the regional city of Bunbury in which Winston created a huge buzz fostering conversations around mental health, he relaxed at his home paddock in Dardanup until the big day.
One month later, and Winston was the star of the Perth Royal Show's Grand Parade, with local kids reaching out to touch this bovine advocate for suicide prevention. A young friend of The Milton's, Amanda, won the Junior Parader's Award with her circuit of Winston! Congrats Amanda!
Auction Day Dawns
The big day arrives, and conversations amongst the Cattle Lanes about a steer called Winston created a buzz amongst cattlemen and the public.
Peter Milton brought Winston out to the waiting crowds and after a thank you to the generous sponsors, the auction began!
*drum roll*

Winston the Speckle Park Steer was auctioned for....
Thanks and Gratitude to -
•Summit Realty Bunbury for sponsoring Winston
• Garry and Bloss Thomas who bred Winston
• Kim McDougall, of Harvey Beef, for his generous bid
• Landmark who donated Winston's auction commission
• The Royal Agricultural Society WA for ongoing support
• BDR Volunteers Graeme Raine, Ross Scott, Joan Braddock
• Peter and Judy Milton who made it all happen!
Check out photos of the event HERE
Read The Countryman Article HERE
Read The Farm Weekly Article HERE
The support of the above sponsors ultimately assists Black Dog Ride to raise awareness of depression and suicide prevention amongst cattle producers and the general public alike. They have our sincere gratitude.
Black Dog Ride is thrilled that the hard work of Peter and Judy Milton brought the annual Black Dog Ride steer auction to Iluka Resources attention and has secured their generous sponsorship for next year's steer auction. This will assist Black Dog Ride in amplifying depression and suicide prevention awareness in the mining sector in addition to the agriculture sector.